Aulterra Product Description
Aulterra is formulated from two naturally occurring trace mineral deposits, kelp, and a proprietary succussion process. It is a multifaceted, multidimensional product that promotes a higher octave of energy throughout the body, allowing for electromagnetic healing and enabling the body to achieve states of health that may have been elusive in the past.*
Dr. David R. Hamilton states in his research paper that, in his evaluation of numerous studies, Aulterra moves whatever it comes in contact with towards negative entropy. Aulterra moves matter/energy in the direction of greater unity and harmony. Dr. Hamilton further observes that the same quantum mechanics involved in any true wellness is identical to the radiant energy emitted from Aulterra.* (Click here for further information on this research)
In his laboratory study “Conformational Changes in Human DNA Characterize the Radiated Energy from the Aulterra Formulation,” Dr. Glen Rein Ph.D. states that the energy of Aulterra puts the double helix of the DNA in a quantum oscillation pattern. This oscillation pattern generates radiant energy within itself.* This then causes the production of radiant energy in every cell in the body to promote healthy DNA.*
Healing states of consciousness are known to be associated with coherent oscillatory EEG patterns in the brain. This energy is transferred to the patient and we can observe the coherent oscillation pattern of DNA.*
Since so much of Aulterra’s action in the body is improving the bioavailability of foods and other supplements, it is the only product in our Natural Monatomic Minerals line that we recommend to be taken with every meal. Either take one capsule with each meal or sprinkle the powder or spray the mineral essence directly on the food. This will increase the life force energy of the food and move it to a higher resonance with the body, allowing for electromagnetic healing.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.