Pre and Post Questionnaire and Pre and Post Blood Study of n-fuzed Estro-Fem and Its Effects on Low Progesterone Blood Levels

 Kelley ChiropracticCenter, LLC                                                   

i f.Keiiey, ma, dc

5220NE Shell World Place, # B Newport, OR. 97365                                                                                           


Pre and Post Questionnaire and Pre and Post Blood Study of
n-fuzed Estro-Fem and Its Effects on
Symptoms of Low Progesterone and Low Blood Levels of Progesterone


Normally, estrogen is balanced with other hormones such as
progesterone in women and testosterone in men This balance must be maintained for proper metabolic
functions. When hormones become unbalanced, issues occur.

Aging, anabolic steroids, birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and
hormones in meats and dairy products combine to create an estrogen overload. In
addition, everyone is exposed to a myriad of estrogenic chemicals every day. These
chemicals, called xenoestrogsns (pronounced zenoestrogens), are capable of mimicking estrogen

It is almost impossible to avoid xenoestrogens. They are found in the air, in food and in water.
They are often in the exhaust fumes from cars and trucks. And, they are in
detergents, paints, nail polishes, lotions, soaps and plastics. The highest sources for these
estrogen mimics are fungicides, herbicides, pesticides, petroleum based products, plastics, and
industrial pollutants.

As women age they begin to produce less progesterone, their estrogen-balancing hormone.
They also convert more of their naturally occurring androgens (male hormones -
yes, women have male hormones and men have female hormones) to estrogen

Besides balancing estrogen, progesterone helps in numerous other ways. It keeps blood clotting at normal levels; helps produce stronger bones; protects against some cancers; helps the body use fats better; elevates moods; boosts sex drive; helps keep blood
clotting normal; and assists thyroid hormone function

Menopause is a normal change in a woman's life when her menses (frequently referred to as
"periods") have ceased for twelve months. Common phrases to describe this
time include "Change of Life" and "The Change." Menopause typically
occurs between the ages of forty- five and fifty-five. The average age for the onset of menopause in the United
States is fifty- two. Symptoms may last two to five years and, in some individuals, much longer.

Symptoms associated with menopause can, and often do, begin
much earlier. This is referred to as pre-menopause and may begin as soon as age forty. Peri-menopause usually
occurs between the ages of forty-five to forty-nine when estrogen hormone levels are
fluctuating wildly.

Some of the most common symptoms of menopause are the same as those of excess estrogen
such as fatigue, dry skin, dry eyes, hot flashes, water retention, bloating
memory loss, mood swings, nigjht sweats, sleep disorders and vaginal dryness.


n-fuzed Estro-Fem, an all-natural combination of hot-water-extracted Korean herbs Angelica
gigas, Cynanchum witfbrdii and Phlomis umbrosa, potentiated with a proprietary process
to "n-fuze" their electromagnetic properties into the crystalline
structure of water, will lessen symptoms of estrogen excess and low progestone and will decrease blood levels
of estrogen, increase blood levels of progesterone and increase the ratio of progesterone to
estradiol in the blood.

NOTE: These herbs were chosen because they have been shown, in clinical trials, to be
effective and safe for use in pre-menopausal, peri-menopausal and menopausal
women without increasing body weight or blood levels of estradiaol

The "n-fuzion" process has a potential effect on the medicinal properties ofthe
herbal botanicals.


1.  Five Instruction Sheets for completing the Pre and Post Questionnaire and the Pre
and Post Blood Studies (Copy Available upon Request).

2.  Ten Female Pre and Post Questionnaires (Copy Available upon Request).

3.  Ten bottles of water n-fuzed Estro-Fem containing herbal extracts o [Angelica gig^s,
Cynanchum wilibrdii and Phlomis umbrosa.

4.  Ten home blood spot test kits from ZRT Labs, Beaverton, Oregon

5.  Five female volunteers within ages susceptible to menopause symptoms.


1.  All participants completed the Pre Questionnaire (Identical to the Post Questionnaire). The
questions were compiled within the following categories: Fatigue, General, Hair, Hormonal,
Mental/Emotional, Muscles/Bones/Joints, Pain, Skin, Sleep, Temperature, Urination, Weight
Gain and Other. Each question within each category required circling a number from zero to
ten Zero was selected if there was never a problem with this particular sign or symptom Ten
was selected if the sign or symptom was constant and at its worst. The numbers two to nine
were selected for each sign or symptom to indicate increasingly significant, problematic
gradients between one and nine.

2.  Two of the participants collected and submitted a blood sample to ZRT Labs for
testing blood levels of Estradiol, Progesterone and the ratio of Progesterone to

3.   Each participant was instructed to consume one teaspoon of n-fuzed Estro-Fem mid-
morning, one teaspoon mid-afternoon and one teaspoon before bed each day.

NOTE: Because of difficulties in compliance, this was modified, when necessary, to
one tablespoon prior to bed or upon arising or mid-moming or mid-afternoon

Procedure (Cont'd)

4.  After completely finishing two bottles of n-fuzed Estro-Fem, each participant
completed the Post Questionnaire (Identical to the Pre Questionnaire).

5.  Also, upon completion of two bottles ofn-fuzed Estro-Fem, two participants collected
and submitted a blood sample to ZRT Labs for evaluation ofEstradiol, Progesterone
and the ratio of Progesterone to Estradiol


Of the five participants, three completed just Pre and Post Questionnaires. Two completed Pre
and Post Questionnaires as well as Pre and Post Blood Studies. All Pre and Post
Questionnaire responses were recorded and tabulated in spread sheets (Copies with
Explanations of Abbreviations Available upon Request).

On each individual's spread sheet, the numerical responses to the questions in each categoiy
were totaled. A percentage was calculated between the responses provided to each question in
each category and a maximum often for each question in each category. For example,
participant R G's total responses in the General category were forty-three. The total possible
for the seven questions in this categoiy is seventy. The calculation of her General category
percent was forty-three divided by seventy times one hundred or 61 %.

In comparing the Pre to Post Questionnaires, if the total
of the responses to the Post questions were numerically less than the total ofthe responses to the Pre questions,
these lesser Post percentages were interpreted as positive, signifying improvement, with a
decrease in severity and intensity, for each categoiy where they occur. If the Post percentages were
more than the Pre percentages, a negative percent change resulted and was interpreted as a
worsening of signs and symptoms for each category where they occur. All positive and
negative changes were totaled for each participant to provide their results for Total Categoiy

The Pre to Post % Changs was calculated by subtracting the Post % Change from the Pre %
Change, dividing the result by the Pre % Change and multiplying by 100. The Blood Study
results are self explanatory.

Of the five participants, all showed positive improvements between their Pre and Post
Questionnaires Total Categoiy Changes, Pre to Post Total Changes and Pre to Post Percent
Changes. Resuts for the two who completed the Pre and Post Blood Studies demonstrated
decreases in Estradiol, increases in Progesterone and increases in the Progesterone to
Estradiol ratios.

Summary of Results of the Pre & Post Questionnaires and Pre &
Post Blood Studies

(Copies of Spread Sheets Available upon Request)

                    Pre and Post Questionnaires Estradiol, Progesterone & Pg/E2 Blood Studies

 Subject      Total          Pre to Post

                 Category     %  change
                   Change         Changes                             Estradiol Progesterone Pg/E2 Ratio

                                                                                      <10-49      <0.1 -0.8 100-500

A.B.            163 %               47%

B.S.            156%               32%

M.H.            215 %             44%

N.L.             117%               29% 35                           ->24 = 31% 0.2->0.3 = 1.5X 5.7-> 12 = 2.1X

R.G             683 %              75% 40                           ->16 = 60% 0.1 -> 1.6 = 16X 3 -> 100 = 40X

                    267 %                45%                                                46% +9X +21X


Between the Pre and Post Questionnaires, the average Total Category improvement for the
six participants is + 267 %. The average Pre to Post Percent Change is + 45 %. The average
decrease in blood levels of Estradiol is 46%. The average increase in blood levels of
Progesterone is 9 X or 900%. The average increase of the Progesterone to
Estradiol ratio in the b bod is 21 X or 2100%.

The results ofthis study confirm the Hyposthesis: n-fuzed Estro-Fem, an all-natural
combination ofhot-water-extracted Korean herbs Angelica gigas, Cynanchumwilfordiiand
Phlomis umbrosa, potentiated with a proprietary process to "n-fuze" their electromagnetic
properties into the crystalline structure of water, will lessen symptoms of estrogen excess and
low progestone and will lower blood levels of estradiol, increase blood levels of progesterone
and increase the ratio of progesterone to estradiol in the blood.

Given the clinically proven safety and efficacy of the herbs in this formula and the
proprietary n-fuzion process to potentiate their effects, n-fuzed Estro-Fem provides a safe and
effective natural alternative for relieving premenopausal, peri-menopausal and
menopausal signs and symptoms and improving blood levels and balance of estrogen and

All participants in this study requested notification when this product would be
available for purchase.

Menopause Study with n-fuzed